Professor Paul Tipton

Dentist – International Lecturer – Mentor



I just wanted to drop a little e mail to say how much I am enjoying the course.

More than that though I wanted to say thanks. Both your courses have been instrumental in helping me build my practice.

We don’t really have decay at our practice. People come to have restorative problems fixed or cosmetic procedures like veneers. The restorative course effectively taught me everything I know.

Now with the implant course it, as ever, provides a massive amount of info in a short period so I can provide new techniques with confidence.

I placed my first implant in Feb of this year and placed my 50th last week.

Also I feel the restorative part of implant treatment is 90% of the story. That’s where it succeeds or fails. The stuff you were showing yesterday was gold. Little sneaky ways to get papillae and soft tissue to do what you want.

So. I know it’s not a very English thing to do but I thought I’d say thanks for everything you’ve taught me.